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Private Coaching with Ben

Hello Brother! 


During the upcoming retreat, I will be offering exclusive daily private coaching in order to support you in achieving your goals, guaranteeing your highest transformation, and solidifying the best results possible while on the Retreat. 


This daily 1-On-1 coaching will consist of us diving deep into your personal goals and creating a fully customized game plan for YOU.


During our time together, we will use the power of many modalities and practices including - Relationship coaching, Routine Optimization, Positive Habit Forming, Human Design, NLP, Bio-Energetics and more. 


We will use these modalities and practices solely to make sure you accomplish exactly what it is you are seeking to accomplish while on this retreat. 


This 1-On-1 coaching further guarantees the results you are seeking and vastly enhances the benefits you will receive at the retreat.


Also, my coaching prices will be significantly discounted for all retreat participants as a way to further support you on your mission to fulfillment and a life fully lived! 


The coaching will happen during Free Time at the retreat. We will spend 1 hour + per day together with tunnel vision focus on accomplishing your unique goals and intentions. 


This offering is exclusive only to Peaceful Warrior Brotherhood Retreat Guests.


There are only 2 spots available for private coaching during the retreat and this offering will be first come, first serve.


Click below to secure your private coaching spot!


PS. Feel free to message me directly to ask any questions about this offering - Thank you Brother! (My number - 318-484-8495)​​


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